Bec 7mm-7.5mm Cerberus


Height: 3.75cm
Length: 3.75cm
Thickness: 7mm-7.5mm

The Pick:
The Cerberus is a signature model designed around Jaketto Picks artist Connor McCray.  Featuring three separate sides but with only one tip designed for playing - it is the definition of a balanced guitar pick; large to hold but the weight adds to it's ability.

The History:
Designed in roughly the middle of 2021; this guitar pick was designed as a standard triangle however it is not to be made perfectly symmetrical (giving another unique aspect to every Cerberus guitar pick) - this was discontinued at the time due to other models taking preference in design but has came back in June 2023.  McCray being a longtime Jaketto Picks member is one of the most knowledgeable artists on the roster, being endorsed by other well-known guitar brands that only boast the shred lord's renown globally and within the Jaketto Picks community.

The Name:
The Cerberus is named after the Greek mythology dog that guards the underworld - it has three heads!